Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Step in the Right Direction??

Two mornings ago, Addison (16 mo) decided she wanted to "sit on the potty" like her big brother. She's done this motion before, so I just laughed it off at first. Then I decided just to go ahead and take her pj's and diaper off and see what would happen. Well, it worked!! In fact, it's worked over and over again since then! Yippeeee!! She doesn't "tell" me when she has to go, she just conveniently goes each time when she sits down on the potty. Timing is everything in this delicate privileged package! If I wait too long to ask her or take her, the natural state of affairs takes over. I know the whole fun ordeal is by no means finished, but maybe it's a step in the right direction!

After she successfully went potty the first time, she absolutely refused to let me put a diaper on her. She said, "Nooo, nnoooo, nooooo!!" over and over while pushing my hands away. Realizing the great risk involved, I finally gave in and let her wear a pair of Noah's first undies (with balls on them, mind you). They had lots of fun running around and playing and hugging in their identical undies!


Jorge and Debbie said...

These kids are real photogenic even in their training shorts. What cute pictures and I see Noah has already trained Addison(lol).

Drew's News said...

What adorable children!! :) Good luck w/potty training! Wouldn't it be great if they were both trained before baby #3 arrives!? ;)

All American Family said...

Go Addison!

Karen said...

What a couple of cutie bugs! I can't wait to see what #3 will look like. Good luck with the potty training. I've got 2 down, 2to go. Ugh, is about all I can say about it.